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3D Brows

3D Brows Online Training

3D Brows Online Training

Regular price $950.00 USD
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Microblading Fundamentals Training Online

50-hour certificate

Course Details

The 3D BROWS Online Training is unlike any other microblading fundamentals course we have come across.  Ensuring our students comprehend the theory of microblading fundamentals we provide multiple formats of information to ensure students comprehend some of the more critical lessons.

Our online learning program will provide you with the foundation of knowledge you need to build upon in microblading. Each individual lesson is designed to provide detailed materials through instructional videos, visual examples, assignments along with years of personal experience with client documentation to ensure students learn proper habits.

 Includes online training package with unlimited access, assignment practice kit, practice assignments,  50-hour certificate of completion, for ongoing support access to 3D Brows Certified Support group.

3D Brows Online Training Curriculum:
Introduction to Microblading Fundamentals
Eyebrow Characteristics 
Facial & Brow Shapes:
Brow Strokes and Hair Patterns:
Brow Building and Measuring:
•Dotting points
•Golden Ratio 
•Brow Calipers
Proper Strokes:
•Blade Angle
•Pigment Placement
•Blade Control
Tool & Needle Selection
Numbing and Exfoliating:
•3-points stretching
•Pain free
Color Theory:
•Primary & Secondary Colors
•Skin Tones
•Fitzpatrick Scale 
•Skin type classification
•Client outcomes and mixtures
3D Brow Standards    
•Business Licensing
•Record keeping 
•Client forms
•Before and Afters
•Body Positioning and Posture
•And much more

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